Detail signs, symptoms and treatment varicose veins the legs in women

According to statistics, varicose veins on the legs suffers from over 72% of all women on our planet. Just someone with signs of varicose veins weakly expressed and no one disease change in running form. Today we will talk about the peculiarities of women's disease varicose veins – how and for what reasons arises, when to publish, how dangerous. We also examine the reviews of the people, a freewheeling signs of varicose veins, and we respect the comments of the professionals on how to treat varicose veins the legs in women.

What happens to the veins with

varicose veins in women

The blood moves in our body round, nonstop. The leaders of this movement of the heart: for the reason that of its cuts of the blood is transmitted according to the arteries, veins. From top to bottom of the liquid going without work – the reason applies to the attraction. But, when he reached the foot, it should turn around and the veins go up. And it is given the gravity of the problematic.

In order to process the movement of blood to the heart by became possible, of vienna must be strong and elastic wall and venous valves, performing the function of the original block, must be running like clockwork. Diagram of a healthy blood pressure movement is such, the heart pushes through the liquid at the vessel walls of veins are cut and raised the blood up, the valves slam and set the flow to a certain area, do not give the blood of "power down". Next, if the reduced vascular flow when moving to a new area and there are fixed as follows, with the fold.

And now imagine, that for some reason:

  • The walls of the veins of the lost tone and the steel is less elastic, they become more than the force to raise a large amount of blood.
  • The flaps are "broken" and don't slam fully, letting part of the venous blood in the opposite direction.

In this case, happens to the blockage of the: arterial blood fell to the feet in the former mode, and here is the service back to the heart with the slow speed. The court "breaking" begins to accumulate too much blood, he pulls and stretches also the walls of the veins even more prominent are the visible symptoms of varicose veins.

Why there will be disease

Doctors believe that the main reason for the development of women varicose veins feet — hereditary predisposition. If you have a mother, father, grandmother or grandfather, a fanatic of the at least some of the symptoms veenilaiendidtion increase the veins, then this disease is most likely then female. While people may not know that he was predisposed to at veenilaiendidy on the feet. Disease manifested only by the action of certain factors. First of all, the breach in the work of the varicose veins occur in women with "standing" professions. In the zone of risk is:

  1. Surgeons.
  2. Dentists.
  3. Hairdressers.
  4. Vendors.
  5. Teachers.

A sedentary lifestyle also causes varicose veins. In particular there is a risk for the ladies who love to sit on the feet or foot to the other – this position of the vein a pinch and the blood supply is disturbed.

Another common reason, which causes varicose veins varicose veins on the legs and the thighs is increased abdominal pressure and compression of the veins. This occurs when booming a lot of weight, as varicose veins often occur in women, interested in lessons in the gym. In half of the cases of varicose veins occur during pregnancy. With this reason, not only the varicose veins on the legs, but varicose veins in the pelvis (groin).

Most first manifestations

There are the so-called stage prior to varicose a if officially the disease does not yet exist, but there are signs of the formation of disorders of the veins. If upon examination the doctor did not detect obvious differences – the tone the walls of veins stage before the varicose veins by are the most suitable, the flow of blood is also perfect. But micro-varicose veins already began to emerge, and a woman may notice mild symptoms.

The symptoms of varicose veins zero degrees, is the following:

  • Tolerant of heaviness in the legs (a sign appears after long walking or long-term stay in one position).
  • Barely noticeable swollen feet the end of the day.
  • From time to time appears on the tingling in the legs or cramps (suddenly arise and rapidly through).

At this stage varicose veins women the most simple is to take action, with no need for any serious treatment. Gymnastics, massage and compression procedure the feet – it is all preventive activities, which will help to bring the vein back, but, alas, few who start their own behaviour, preferring not to pay symptoms attention.

Direct signals of problems in the veins with the girl

The following stages varicose veins on the legs wife in particular is characterized by external characteristics: the shaping of varicose veins on the legs arise and rather quickly grow swollen veins the blue (severe forms they become purple). Apart from color changes, veins are starting to proŝupyvat'sâ under the skin of protection (in the form of compressed tubercles).

Varicose veins on the legs of women is not only the external symptoms. If you honor the comments of patients, then you will see that almost all of the women varicose veins by to complain about the following symptoms:

  1. Pain, difficulty and burning sensation in the legs.
  2. Toe numbness.
  3. Reduce skin sensitivity in the region of the sick part of the body.
  4. Feel the individual users skin chills.
  5. Frequent cramps in the legs.

The sad consequences of

As the launch of the varicose veins on the legs, then the disease symptoms become very painful. Venous extension is very big – walk in bare feet is impossible. Vascular eye changes are a huge bulging "venous clusters". If any of the injuries they burst, bleed and rot. Severe pain, burning sensation, cramps in the legs concerned about women and physical activity and rest. Moving around becomes difficult.

Due to constant violation of blood flow may show signs of dermatitis, eczema and other skin and subcutaneous pathological changes. In most cases, the employment of varicose veins of the legs appear trophic ulcers on the legs and thrombosis. These pathology is very difficult to treat, and they are very painful symptoms – best not to cause the situation to both extremes and start treatment earlier stages of varicose veins.

The treatment of the initial manifestations of

treatment of varicose veins

If varicose veins feet is dim symptoms, you can try to treat at home using a special wash – it can be stockings or pantyhose. At the beginning of the special products in the state of mind disposed of the reasons, the caller of the disease, helps to get rid of the wife veenilaiendidtion extension without medication.

Compression stockings and tights operate on the principle of the cable. They improve the lost veins tone and create the right have blood. Judging by the reviews of professionals, is the wash helps keep the blood vessels and in the required position and do not give them stretch even more. Only we draw attention to: homemade treat varicose veins can only be stockings and tights with minimal well to suppress. Products, which have strong pressed to be used only with permission phd.

What treatment methods can be used at home? Self-medicate the original varicose veins on the legs for women by means of folk. Is the feedback well-written on the following folk in the media:

  • Rubbing feet brandy from hevoskastanja, tea leaf, chamomile, onion peel, or nettle.
  • Warm compresses ties, soaked is a strong way to manufacture or infusion out of oak bark.
  • Rubbing the feet with aloe vera juice or kalanchoe.
  • Massaging the feet with apple cider vinegar (it should be diluted, does not cause burning).

Other ways to treat varicose veins national reference, you can read different blogs where different people give real reviews of a variety of therapies. For example, a lot about this, how to treat early varicose veins at home using the anatomic pillow.

Attention: the folk can not replace drug treatment, the employment of varicose veins. If the disease the symptoms are too clear, then, unfortunately, to treat without tablets and ointments do not work.

Tool for medical aid

If there is a serious varicose veins of the feet is necessary to start veins the medication. Dr. first for women medication for effect. That such treatment is lumen narrowing of the varicose veins on the legs and the resumption of work on the veins and valves.

Total: varicose veins the legs in women often occurs for a variety of reasons. That the disease does not result, the best in a timely manner to take care of prevention, what can be done at home. If the characters still made themselves known, then independent treatment may be carried out only at the beginning. If the brightly expressed character of the disease can only be treated addiction means, that selects the doctor.